Home > Featured News > Radon Meter Available for Borrowing

Area residents are now able to borrow a radon meter from REAL to detect possible radon gas levels in their homes. 

Radon gas is a radioactive, colourless, and odourless gas that is emitted when uranium breaks down in soil, rock, or water. Accumulation of this gas tends to occur in the lower levels of homes, especially in homes where basements are unfinished and built on bedrock.  In high levels, radon gas poses a serious health risk, and is considered the second leading cause of lung cancer in Canada after smoking.

The only way to know if there is radon in your home is to test for it.  Meters are now available for consumers to accurately assess radon levels in their homes themselves.    REAL has acquired an Air ‘N’ Things Continuous Corentium Radon Meter for lending.  REAL will be asking for postdated cheque of $300 as a deposit, which will be returned when the meter is returned. Borrowers will also be asked to sign a waiver.

If you discover your home has radon gas in the range that needs to be addressed,  the problem can be corrected relatively inexpensively through sealing and ventilation.  REAL will be able to direct you to experts in the area who have been certified through the Canadian National Radon Proficiency Program (C-NRPP) to help you with the radon mitigation process.

Katie Hoffman will be managing the lending of the meter for REAL and maintaining a waiting list.  She can be reached at (613) 983-3360 or [email protected]

While radon gas is a serious health concern, detection is an easy procedure that could lead you to improved air quality in your home.  For additional information on radon gas, please visit Health Canada’s radon webpage.

See REAL’s Radon Meter page.