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30th Anniversary Brainstorming

We are having a get together Thursday January 10th at 7 p.m.  to brainstorm possible way to mark our 30th anniversary. Anyone with a connection to REAL is most welcome.

Ideally we would mark the occasion with a few initiatives throughout the year.  Have you heard or  participated in any anniversary events for other organizations that would be appropriate for REAL?  Do you have any  ideas  that would reflect who we are and what we do?  No idea is too off the wall to consider!

To further entice you, we will be serving up some yummy desserts.  We’ll be meeting at the Community Health Centre  (the old high school) in the Kilmarnock Room (not the one with the kitchen!)  Come to the rear door.  RSVPs appreciated but not absolutely necessary. 

If you have suggestions but are unable to attend, feel free to call Peter 283-8338 or Barb 283-9966 or pass them on to [email protected].