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REAL’s Business Plan

The REAL Board of Directors is guided by a Business Plan  that lays out the values that drive us as an organization, the issues we face, our vision, the key areas and projects that we plan to focus on, the results we want to achieve.

The Business Plan grew out of a Strategic Planning exercise  and the community consultation  we held in September 2002, called “Stopping the Slide”.

Key Result Areas of REAL’s Business Plan 

1. REAL’s capacity built

Objective: To ensure that REAL has sufficient human and financial resources to achieve its mission and goals.

2. Resources conserved

Objective: To encourage the conservation of resources , including but not limited to materials, energy, water, and soil.

raft3. Watersheds protected

Objective: To ensure there is sufficient clean ground and surface water for all human and non-human species, that natural water-cleaning and quantity-balancing systems are maintained and that our citizens conserve water and become wise water users.

4. Climate change addressed

Objective: To protect air quality, contribute to the reversal in the growth of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and promote and facilitate adaptations to climate change.

5. Public educated

Objective: To have a public that is cognizant of, committed to, and actively promotes the best of world-wide trends in environmental solutions on a local level.

More specific goals are listed under each objective. If you would like to see a complete PDF version of the Business Plan, please contact us.

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